Fix Busted Boards

Fixing Busted Boards

If the bay is having a hard time with your board there are a couple common places to look:

Too many blue points

Watch out for blue points that are stacked on top of each other. These can be hard to spot and almost always cause problems.

Too many blue points can also lead to lumpy curves. Shoot for no more than 5 or 6 per curve if can.

Too few blue points

This is rarely a problem but if you find yourself having to get creative with your tangents to get the shape you want, you're probably better off just adding another blue point. Just go easy on them. Again, five or six points is generally plenty.

Deep V decks and bottoms (common in paddle boards)

Sharp and deep Vs can cause problems. We're working on handling these boards better but for now the quick fix is to drag the tangent out just slightly from the stringer.


These guys are less common but can be difficult to spot. The easiest way to find them is to walk through each curve and do the following:

  1. Click on any blue point
  2. Step through the points using the "D" key
Points should cycle clockwise. If they don't, you've found the culprit. Just drag the blue point away from the curve and the twist will become obvious.

Bubbles / acute angles

Sharp outside corners (eg square rails) are fine -- it's sharp inside corners (eg channels) that create problems.

We typically see these guys in the following places:

  • Bottom rail
  • Single concaves
  • Channels

In general you just want to make sure any points that should be continuous have the "Cont" checkbox checked, and that your tangents are kept relatively close to their blue point. The major goal here is just to make sure there's no sharp corners the cutter can't get to.

Tricks of the Trade
Slice Scrubbing

The quickest way to find the source of the problem is to use our intermediate slice scrubbing feature. Go to the slices panel and hold down SHIFT while clicking and dragging your mouse left to right. If the intermediate slice preview ever hangs up you've found the culprit -- take a close look at the slices on each side of the current location.

Bad Points Check

Use the Bad Points Check in the Slices tab to have AkuShaper detect and auto correct any acute angles:

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